Maya Grab [Day 15] – All rooms finished

Finishing all the rooms had high priority because I wanted to see how many BASIC bytes would remain free.

Well, not so much… 6188 bytes after the game is loaded and only 3524 after first start and all the allocations. While playing the game, and now while drawing all the rooms, I’ve noticed that the room complexity dropped a little bit from the middle of the game to the end probably because of memory issues.

All the missing code to finalize the game will probably fit in, but what’s bothering me are approximately 100 more strings I need to define for all the possible interpreter responses for all the rooms. The plan was also to add some extra features to the game and couple of extra rooms, but it’s going to be very hard, at least for the rooms.

Program size: 35387 bytes, on disk 32766 bytes or 129 blocks
Free BASIC memory: 3524 bytes
Used BASIC commands: –

Source code

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