Maya Grab [Day 1] – Introduction

Watch your health. No seriously, watch your health! Only when you’re sick and lying in bed you can get these crazy ideas to fire up your 30 years old home computer and check out a couple of games you’ve played a long time ago, before most of the people who are actually reading this were even born. That’s exactly what happened to me. I said to myself, now is the time… you’re off from work for a week. Now is the time to turn that Commodore 64 (emulator) and go through all of these digital Input-64 magazines again. In one of these magazine issues, there was this game, that I’ve tried thousand times to recreate (it’s a little bit hard, when you are 7 years old). Maybe now, thirty years later it’s going to work?

So it’s a text adventure, how hard it can be? I always wanted to do a text adventure because I find it very interesting how the command interpreters work; and I’ll have the opportunity to play a little bit with PETSCII graphics. Last time I’ve wrote a Commodore 64 BASIC program was over twenty years ago. The C64 has the BASIC V2, which has approx. 70 different commands and 38911 bytes free for your masterpiece program. I’m going to write the whole game in BASIC, and maybe later port some of the code (mostly the rendering) to C64 assembler.

Let’s fire up this emulator and do some high-tech code:

How I’ve only got into this mess…

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