Flappy Beard [Day 3] – Game state manager and adding all other screens

With two states finished (splash and gameplay) it was time to build a state manager which will take care of which state is active and linking all states together. I’ve thought first to do separate states for the title, gameplay and gameover screens, but the graphics and behaviour in these states are practially the same so I’ve made it as one state with different modes.

Next thing to do on the agenda are the buttons on title and gameover screen. I was afraid that I had to save the whole state of the app when launching, for example, the play store to rate the app; but somehow the SurfaceView handles these interrupts with no problems. So the button actions are now finished and I’ve added also a little pressed state animation like in the original game.

The whole game flow is nearly finished, meaning it’s time to replace all test graphics with the original. I’ve found all graphic resources from the original game as a big PNG image on the internet. It took me a little bit of time to cut it down to pieces. I’ve modified the title from “bird” to “beard”.

I’ve finished today also the scoreboard showing scores and medals. There are 4 kind of medals: bronze, silver, gold, platinum for scores over 10, 20, 30 and 40.

With all graphics cut down I’ve managed also to squeeze in the main characters animation in todays timeline.



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